Monday, January 26, 2009

Thing 3 -- Technorati

OK so I'm not sure I want the world to know what I am writing in my Blog. After all I am job hunting and what is I say something like XXXX Library doesn't even have a disaster plan and they see it and decide not to offer me a job. I know, I know, don't say anything you don't want the world to see. Well I went ahead and registered at Technorati anyway -- under an alias. I'm also using an alias in Facebook which my son thinks is hysterical. The OCLC report said that the younger generations aren't as paranoid about identity theft and privacy as my generation and especially librarians. I looked at blog search engines bloglines and technorati. I searched under my last name and the searches were TOTALLY different. I did learn that there is a plaza that bears my last name in a town out west. I have a phone interview Tuesday with the library in that town. A little goosebumpy if you ask me. After poking around a little on both sites I liked Bloglines better. Even tho Technorati had videos as well I just felt a little creepy there. Bloglines had the visual similarity to google and that may have been why I was more comfortable. The posts that were brought up had a different feel to them as well. I had a birthday last week -- maybe I'm too old to share myself with the world and feel good about it.

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