Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thing 4 RSS

Well, I'm only 7 things behind but I am back on track again. Today I looked at RSS feeds. I have been using them for a while on MyYahoo but there have been some that I couldn't get to add to the page. (Like the 23 things). So I opened up a google reader account and sure enough that one added right in. Hmmmm I went back to Stephanie's article (how many people miss her not being at NEFLIN) on top ten blogs and added some of those to my list. Hmm I may need to search for her blog so I can stay on top of what she is up to. One of my favorite RSS feeds that is right at the top of my MyYahoo page is from ALA. You can do a job search of their job listings and then have an RSS feed of that search. So if a job is added that fits your search it shows up on your page. The second feed on my page is the Blah Blah Blah Blog -- another great one. OK so I'm sucking up a little but I know Brad reads this so......
Well that is all for this thing now back to work -- I have to go count some surveys.

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