Monday, March 23, 2009

Thing 18 -- Facebook

I am on both Facebook and Myspace because my kids are. I use an alias which my kids think is so funny. But as I pointed out to my son, if a prospective employer is looking on socal networking pages who wants them to be able to access your life. Myspace is slowly going away for the kids as they move more into Facebook. Why am I there? It's the easiest way to keep up with what is going on in their lives. The sonograms of our new grandbaby were posted on facebook before they were e-mailed to the family.

OK so I couldn't resist posting the image here too. Forgive this first time grandmother. I also belong to the PLA group. My sister in law and I have written on each other's walls several times. It is fast and easy. I am also a friend of the Columbia County Public Library. Levy County teens are still on Myspace but are considering a move to Facebook as more of the kids switch over.


  1. Congratulations on the new grandbaby! Who are the proud parents?

  2. Congratulations!

    When I was newly pregnant I also posted everything online. Actually my personal blog is specifically for keeping my family up to date on everything happening in my son's life. (He's now 3.)

    It's been a blessing for my mother in particular since she's over 4 hours away and doesn't get to see him in person nearly as much as she'd like.
