OK so it is almost time to cook dinner -- but then everytime I go to post it is almost time to do something and I put it off again. When last I wrote, I believe that J & L were coming for the weekend. We had a wonderful time with them. They seemed to like the house and loved our view. We are settling in well in Cleveland, TN. Mark had a Kairos weekend two weeks ago and Barbershop contest this past weekend. He wasn't thrilled with their performance at contest and we talked about what the first place choruses have that a small chorus from a small town does not and I think he was more content after our talk. I am busy, busy, busy. M, W and F I go to the YMCA for water exercise. Tues I do the arthritis exercise tape with the group at church and then Thursday morning I volunteer at the Library checking in books. I work with the prayer shawl ministry making things out of yarn for other people and for our up coming craft show that I couldn't interest my kids or kid-in-laws in. Monday night is handbells, Tuesday night Mark has barbershop, Wednesday night is WOW (Wednesday at Wesley) and choir. Once a month I go to Newcomers, Healthy Women, Spice of Life at church, and we both go to Emmaus gatherings. When did I have time to work? I'm still reading, doing puzzles, and cross stitching. The blanket for baby is almost done but since I rammed the needle into my thumb the other day I've had to slow down a bit. People tell me she won't be traumatized for life if it is not done for her arrival but still.....
Pork Chops, Baked potatoes and veggies are calling me to the kitchen to be cooked so I'll sign off for now.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Company This Weekend
It has been almost 4 years since we have had company at our house. Jack and Linda are coming on Saturday. We are so excited! Jack spent the week at Space Camp in Huntsville, AL so I'm sure we will hear all about it. The upstairs is finished (more or less -- we are still waiting for kitchen appliances). But there are still alot of boxes in the lower level. (Dad's level -- are we surprised?)
We went to an estate auction on Labor Day and the heirs broke into a fist fight. That was exciting. I got a very small table at a garage sale to use as a telephone table in the kitchen. I also got a desk for the family computer at the Habitat for Humanity Store. I'm really happy with the desk. It is big enough to have the monitor far enough away and has drawers for things needed at the computer. It was brand new but had a couple of rubbed places on it for $35. What a deal. It does weigh a ton but Dad and I got it in the house an inch at a time.
We are making plans for Christmas in Denver and a quick trip at baby time in October. Dad will still have some leave left so we are considering a Thanksgiving cruise to Mexico and points South.
We finally made up our minds that this one particular oven could be made to work in the space available in the kitchen. I went in to Lowe's to order it and the company (GE) had stopped making that model. And it only took us 6 weeks to make up our minds... go figure. Anyway I came home and started looking on line. I found a place that said they could get it so I ordered it. When I got an e-mail saying it was backordered I figured that was it. We would have to wait for the new model to come out and then start measuring all over again. Well, a week later they said it had shipped. So now we are anxiously waiting for that to arrive. Our cooktop was ordered from Lowe's and should be in about Sept. 17th. (Can't wait) Since we will be installing the microwave on a shelf above the single oven, (rather than built-in) we went ahead and bought a microwave. I have been using it every meal and loving it. Nothing like cooking on a hot plate for 2 months to make you appreciate the small things in life.
I'm reading the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society for book club and loving it. Also reading the Quilt Apprentice (the first in the Elm Creek Quilt series) and enjoying it as well. I did something the other day that I rarely do. I re-read a book. I wanted to continue the Landover series and couldn't figure out where I left off so I re-read Magic Kingdom for Sale -- Sold by Terry Brooks now I can go on to Black Unicorn.
We went to an estate auction on Labor Day and the heirs broke into a fist fight. That was exciting. I got a very small table at a garage sale to use as a telephone table in the kitchen. I also got a desk for the family computer at the Habitat for Humanity Store. I'm really happy with the desk. It is big enough to have the monitor far enough away and has drawers for things needed at the computer. It was brand new but had a couple of rubbed places on it for $35. What a deal. It does weigh a ton but Dad and I got it in the house an inch at a time.
We are making plans for Christmas in Denver and a quick trip at baby time in October. Dad will still have some leave left so we are considering a Thanksgiving cruise to Mexico and points South.
We finally made up our minds that this one particular oven could be made to work in the space available in the kitchen. I went in to Lowe's to order it and the company (GE) had stopped making that model. And it only took us 6 weeks to make up our minds... go figure. Anyway I came home and started looking on line. I found a place that said they could get it so I ordered it. When I got an e-mail saying it was backordered I figured that was it. We would have to wait for the new model to come out and then start measuring all over again. Well, a week later they said it had shipped. So now we are anxiously waiting for that to arrive. Our cooktop was ordered from Lowe's and should be in about Sept. 17th. (Can't wait) Since we will be installing the microwave on a shelf above the single oven, (rather than built-in) we went ahead and bought a microwave. I have been using it every meal and loving it. Nothing like cooking on a hot plate for 2 months to make you appreciate the small things in life.
I'm reading the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society for book club and loving it. Also reading the Quilt Apprentice (the first in the Elm Creek Quilt series) and enjoying it as well. I did something the other day that I rarely do. I re-read a book. I wanted to continue the Landover series and couldn't figure out where I left off so I re-read Magic Kingdom for Sale -- Sold by Terry Brooks now I can go on to Black Unicorn.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
OK, so I'm thinking "My daughter hasn't posted recently" Then I realized that I haven't posted either. At least not since before the move. We are settling in in TN. I'm down to 7 boxes upstairs. Most of those are the open -- look in -- close variety. We are going to re-do half of our kitchen. I have an appointment on Wed with Lowe's to see what they can do for us. I want a full size oven -- we have the narrow kind that only takes a small cookie sheet now. Also a microwave (you don't realize how much you use one until you don't have one) And a cook top. I've been cooking on a hot plate for a month and I'm tired of it.
Last Saturday we did about half of the TN portion of the Route 127 garage sale which covers 4 states. Dad bought some tables to use in the garage and we saw some great scenery. I'm starting to get involved. I joined the YMCA and go to the arthritis water exercise class 3 times a week. Some parts of me feel better and some hurt more but it will be beneficial in the end. I've also joined a craft group at church that makes prayer shawls and right now is concentrating on making items for a craft sale in November. Mark is singing Barbershop and seems to be enjoying it. We went to our first Emmaus Gathering the other night and he was immediately invited to join the prison ministry team for their next walk at the end of September. We will be going to our first choir rehersal on Wed evening.
So as you can see we are fitting in and trying to find our niches. I've applied to volunteer at the library but so far they haven't contacted me. It is interesting to know that Levy is not the only one that has trouble getting their volunteer applications processed.
I finished Mary Jane Clark's "It Only Takes a Moment" this morning. Marie there is a series you should add to your Amazon want list if you haven't read them already. Well, take care all the I will try to become a more regular poster.
Last Saturday we did about half of the TN portion of the Route 127 garage sale which covers 4 states. Dad bought some tables to use in the garage and we saw some great scenery. I'm starting to get involved. I joined the YMCA and go to the arthritis water exercise class 3 times a week. Some parts of me feel better and some hurt more but it will be beneficial in the end. I've also joined a craft group at church that makes prayer shawls and right now is concentrating on making items for a craft sale in November. Mark is singing Barbershop and seems to be enjoying it. We went to our first Emmaus Gathering the other night and he was immediately invited to join the prison ministry team for their next walk at the end of September. We will be going to our first choir rehersal on Wed evening.
So as you can see we are fitting in and trying to find our niches. I've applied to volunteer at the library but so far they haven't contacted me. It is interesting to know that Levy is not the only one that has trouble getting their volunteer applications processed.
I finished Mary Jane Clark's "It Only Takes a Moment" this morning. Marie there is a series you should add to your Amazon want list if you haven't read them already. Well, take care all the I will try to become a more regular poster.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Under Contract
The link the other day didn't work. It went to the entire spread sheet and unless you knew the MLS number or the price it was a pain in the but to try to figure out which one it was. This is the link for the visual tour until they take it down.There was a snafu on the offer paperwork and Mark got real tight jawed about it but Satan will not triumph -- We feel this is where God is leading us. When Mark was at Barbershop the other night he met a friend of his from Albuquerque who lives here now. Truly amazing. Enjoy the pictures. (providing I posted it correctly and it works) Oh Fudge I did it exactly like I learned and the link is not showing up. You can just cut and paste. http://www.visualtour.com/shownp.asp?sk=13&t=1667831 OK so now it works -- I give up.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
House Offer Made
After the commercials, the suspense music builds.... We chose House number one. The smallest, the least expensive but the one with the
best views.
I don't know if that link will work for you. But it is at 245 Bartlett Circle NE in Cleveland, TN. We have made an offer and are waiting for a response. Stay tuned.
best views.
I don't know if that link will work for you. But it is at 245 Bartlett Circle NE in Cleveland, TN. We have made an offer and are waiting for a response. Stay tuned.
Friday, May 22, 2009
House decision Pending
So we have looked at 21 houses in the last 2.5 days. We have narrowed it down to 3. So which will it be the smallest house (2711 Sq ft) in the newer subdivision with the great views but the maybe scary driveway and a triple garage? Or the 3600 square foot house built in 1974 on the golf course? Or the 3300 square foot house all on one level with the great kitchen, the sun room, the billard room complete with pool table and the great porch with large jacuzi? I feel like I am on househunters. I wish I could just wait for the commerical to be over and find out what we picked. We are seeing all 3 of them again in the morning. Stay tuned.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Book Opinion -- "Crucial Conversations"
Elizabeth, this post is for you. While I was at the Florida Library Association Conference in Orlando last week I finished reading Crucial Conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high. This book was recommended by Jill and I did enjoy it. The premise is that when it really counts we tend to let our emotions get in the way of important conversations. I read another book (OK so the memory isn't what it used to be -- I don't remember which one) that talked about the short time between action and reaction and how we can use that moment to choose our behavior. This book uses that moment and the moments during the conversation to recognize that: this is a crucial conversation, what is our own behavior, to recognize behaviors in others and WHAT to do about those behaviors. It includes a self test to see what areas the reader is weakest in -- what behaviors we are most likely to employ. Do we use flight or fight (and the different techniques for each) -- how can we change that in ourselves and in others. I really liked the last chapter which recognized that this was alot of information at one time and made suggestions for application and change one piece at a time. The book is full of examples from the work place and from personal relationships as well. Did I identify some of my own behaviors and some of Mark's? You bet. When Mark and I go househunting next week, we will be having several "crucial conversations" Having read this book, I believe that our discussions will be more productive with less stress. Time will tell.
Friday, May 1, 2009
A Day of Anticipation
Yesterday the book I was reading (Camel Club by David Baldacci) the book I was listening to on my Mp3 player (Good Guy by Dean Koontz) and the book I'm listening to in the car (Treasure by Clive Cussler) were all at pivitol points in their plots. It was a day I could read, listen or go for a drive. What did I do? I went to Bible Study. Sigh so much excitement. I did finish Good Guy in the afternoon while cross stitching for someone yet unborn. And I did finish the book before I went to sleep last night. Now, I just have to wait for Tues when I drive to Orlando for FLA to finish Treasure. In the mean time I have started Hoot by Hiaasen on the Mp3 and The art of Crucial Conversation (or something like that) in book form. I'm thinking about Marie as she finishes her last day in Fort Smith.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Fair Warning to Followers
To all my professional friends who are following this because of 23 Things... This blog is going personal. My daughter and her husband have recently started blogging and were surprised to find out that I had been doing it for 6 months already. So this is your warning. This blog is about to go "family" very little professional content will be found. There.... you've had your warning ... now don't blame me if you get bored -- my life just isn't that exciting.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thing 22 -- Staying Current
Time for reflection. Hmmm. I was really looking forward to 23 Things. I mentioned it at every staff meeting from the NEFLIN Annual Meeting until it actually started. Did it live up to my expectations? OK brutal honesty time. It was too much. I consider myself pretty tech savy and it overwhelmed me. Too much in each thing. WAY too much. I feel more overwhelmed now than I did in January. I'm like, "why bother" -- I can't keep up with all the new stuff. I'm having trouble cherry picking what is useful for me. This is someone who was using myspace, facebook, delicious, youtube, rss feeds and podcasts. I can't imagine how anyone to whom all 23 things were new handled the onslaught. If I were to do it for a group of newbies I would do it over a year. A new thing posted every Monday -- small bites.
Will I keep up my blog. Why? People followed it because of 23 Things. I'm not working so what would I have to say that professional friends would find interesting?
Positives? I did add several RSS feeds and started using Google Reader rather than MyYahoo. I had to discontinue my Life Hacker feed as it was just too prolific and had far too many posts. I signed up for PaperBack Swap and have already mailed off a paperback of mine and received on from someone else.
What did I learn today (actually yesterday since it is too early for much leaning today)? I do not want to move to Kingsport. It has a huge Chemical Plant and a stinky paper mill. See not very library oriented. I did visit the library, however. Reading rooms on 2 floors with high or normal ceilings. Stacks are on three floors and low ceilinged (height of the 2 floors plus a little lower level divided by 3). The floor creaks alarmingly and you have to wonder if the historic building was designed to carry the load of a library. Sitting out bad weather today -- doing Things, reading and cross stitch. On to Cleveland, TN tomorrow.
Will I keep up my blog. Why? People followed it because of 23 Things. I'm not working so what would I have to say that professional friends would find interesting?
Positives? I did add several RSS feeds and started using Google Reader rather than MyYahoo. I had to discontinue my Life Hacker feed as it was just too prolific and had far too many posts. I signed up for PaperBack Swap and have already mailed off a paperback of mine and received on from someone else.
What did I learn today (actually yesterday since it is too early for much leaning today)? I do not want to move to Kingsport. It has a huge Chemical Plant and a stinky paper mill. See not very library oriented. I did visit the library, however. Reading rooms on 2 floors with high or normal ceilings. Stacks are on three floors and low ceilinged (height of the 2 floors plus a little lower level divided by 3). The floor creaks alarmingly and you have to wonder if the historic building was designed to carry the load of a library. Sitting out bad weather today -- doing Things, reading and cross stitch. On to Cleveland, TN tomorrow.
Thing 21 Student 2.0 tools
I compared Assignment Calculator and Research Project Calculator. The dates for each came out similar with what seemed to be a little more time in the definition portion in Research Project Calculator. I also liked that the RPC had an evaluation section for after it was over. However I did like the e-mail alerts available with AC. I looked at the teacher tools available . I did not download any of them as I am traveling and the hotel Internet connection is not the strongest. I would like to take a closer look at Boolean Basics and Google Seach Tip Sheet.
I can't really see using these personally other than to get suggested dates. I used a white board in my office for similar project tracking and prefer something before my eyes. I'm just a visual learner.
I can't really see using these personally other than to get suggested dates. I used a white board in my office for similar project tracking and prefer something before my eyes. I'm just a visual learner.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thing 20 Books 2.0
Wow, another thing that has seventy million components. Just as TV did not mean the end of radio -- books are not headed for the dumpster yet. I signed up for Daily Lit. We will see if it takes too much time. They offered normal, longer and longest settings. I was looking for a shorter setting -- oh well. I love KDL's What's next. I have used it for years and even contributed corrections when they got things a little screwy. I'm not as crazy about their latest interface. I don't think it is as intuitive to use but still a great site. I am a fan and member of Book Swim. I primarly use it for things I can't get thru the library. In fact they are going to be Beta testing some changes in their website starting soon and I am one of the Beta Testers. I also signed up for Paperback Swap. I always shared my paperbacks with my dad but since his death I have just given them to the library. I listed five books this afternoon and someboday wants one of them already. Of course I immediately had to say I'll be gone for 10 days starting Tuesday. Oh, well.
Thing 19 -- Other social sites
I am on Web-Juction. When I attended the CPLA class in Arizona everyone was hot to keep in touch with each other. Since Michael Porter (AKA Libraryman) was the instructor and is with Web Junction. He said someone might want to start a group on that site. I just looked at it (first I had to remember my password) and it looks like 4 out of a class of 20 signed up. It is OK but too many spots to go is too time consuming. PLA has started a new series of discussion topics. I happen to be the moderator of "Be a Better Manager" So far we have 6 members and no discussion.
I was talking to my SSLLI mentor the other day and I said that first everyone was on MySpace, then everyone moved to Facebook, now everyone is Twittering. I asked her what the next "big thing would be? She said that it wouldn't be a big thing it would be something small that happens to grab our attention for a little while.
I'm worn out from it all.... Could I be getting old? Nah! Just tired.
I was talking to my SSLLI mentor the other day and I said that first everyone was on MySpace, then everyone moved to Facebook, now everyone is Twittering. I asked her what the next "big thing would be? She said that it wouldn't be a big thing it would be something small that happens to grab our attention for a little while.
I'm worn out from it all.... Could I be getting old? Nah! Just tired.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thing 18 -- Facebook
I am on both Facebook and Myspace because my kids are. I use an alias which my kids think is so funny. But as I pointed out to my son, if a prospective employer is looking on socal networking pages who wants them to be able to access your life. Myspace is slowly going away for the kids as they move more into Facebook. Why am I there? It's the easiest way to keep up with what is going on in their lives. The sonograms of our new grandbaby were posted on facebook before they were e-mailed to the family.
OK so I couldn't resist posting the image here too. Forgive this first time grandmother. I also belong to the PLA group. My sister in law and I have written on each other's walls several times. It is fast and easy. I am also a friend of the Columbia County Public Library. Levy County teens are still on Myspace but are considering a move to Facebook as more of the kids switch over.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thing 17 -- Podcasts
I subscribe to the NPR library blog "as a matter of fact". Yesterday in honor of St Patrick's Day they posted a podcast from Morning Edition on the poetry of William Butler Yeats.
What was so fascinating was that it included recordings from 1933 of Yeats reading his own poetry. He discovered that he was a much better poet than reader. He read with a chant quality. The piece talks about his changing the words of one of his most famous poems because they just didn't "read well" out loud. There is another interesting podcast from NPR called Playback. It features stories from 25 years ago researched at the NPR library. I haven't listened to one yet as they are 25 minutes long, but since I am now caught up on Things (Yay, Yippee!!), I might actually listen to one. Since I have been married for 35 years they won't be quite the ancient history that they would be for some of you. (tee hee)
I am including here the link to the topic directory for NPR's podcasts http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast/podcast_directory.php?type=topic
As you can see they cover anything and everything you might wish to explore. One could spend a long time with the uncomfortable head phones over your ears. (I really need a new pair but my husband gave me these for Christmas and I need to use them for a while before replacing them)
OK so thank heavens for auto save. I accidently hit the back button instead of the hide preview button and went back to the dashboard. When I hit the forward button it took me to a blank post screen. "OH NO it's gone..... Wait... What about this draft autosaved that flashes at the bottom on a regular basis?" Of course I had to go to Help to figure out that you click on "Return to list of posts" to find that draft version. But at least I didn't have to try to recreate the post. I think those creative juices only flow once.
What was so fascinating was that it included recordings from 1933 of Yeats reading his own poetry. He discovered that he was a much better poet than reader. He read with a chant quality. The piece talks about his changing the words of one of his most famous poems because they just didn't "read well" out loud. There is another interesting podcast from NPR called Playback. It features stories from 25 years ago researched at the NPR library. I haven't listened to one yet as they are 25 minutes long, but since I am now caught up on Things (Yay, Yippee!!), I might actually listen to one. Since I have been married for 35 years they won't be quite the ancient history that they would be for some of you. (tee hee)
I am including here the link to the topic directory for NPR's podcasts http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast/podcast_directory.php?type=topic
As you can see they cover anything and everything you might wish to explore. One could spend a long time with the uncomfortable head phones over your ears. (I really need a new pair but my husband gave me these for Christmas and I need to use them for a while before replacing them)
OK so thank heavens for auto save. I accidently hit the back button instead of the hide preview button and went back to the dashboard. When I hit the forward button it took me to a blank post screen. "OH NO it's gone..... Wait... What about this draft autosaved that flashes at the bottom on a regular basis?" Of course I had to go to Help to figure out that you click on "Return to list of posts" to find that draft version. But at least I didn't have to try to recreate the post. I think those creative juices only flow once.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Thing 16 -- YouTube
I was excited about getting to thing 16 because I am looking at YouTube videos every week trying to ferret out those appropriate for staff training for my SSLLI project. Those appropriate are linked to a delicious page with description and tags. Most of those with ferrets are not appropriate. For one thing they have to have good sound quality and those with ferrets (even stuffed ones) are notable for their poor sound. Any way I was looking around for something funny to include here.
This one from koolk3v is really short and I'm not sure why I thought it was so funny but it made me laugh.
Enjoy. On to thing 17 -- I'm almost caught up!
This one from koolk3v is really short and I'm not sure why I thought it was so funny but it made me laugh.
Enjoy. On to thing 17 -- I'm almost caught up!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Thing Number 15: Rollyo
I hate adding my data to sites all over the web, even under an alias, so I opted out of creating a profile on Rollyo. However when I searched for topics there seems to be lists on just about everything. I did create a roll on Cleveland, TN. Since that is one of the places we are considering moving. But since I didn't log in I'm not sure anyone else can get to it or how to find its URL. I can see that if I was still a Reference Librarian how I could use this to record favs and do quick searches without wading thru thousands of google hits. That way I could use it as I moved from computer to computer. I did list the Cleveland entry from Wikipedia and it shortened it to just wikipedia. When I searched for something on my list it brought up a ton of articles from Wikipedia. Needless to say I went back and edited out the wikipedia entry. They do just fine without my help.
Thing 14 -- Online Productivity Tools
One of the blogs I read said that NEFLIN cleverly disguised 443 things as 23. I think this may be one of the things they were talking about when they said that. "Wait there is more" I'm already overwhelmed with things to try. I looked at all three of the customize your home page. I still like to go to MSN when I open an explorer window. I do have my yahoo set up for weather where I am and where the kids live and with my favorite teams. I don't care for Yahoo's tv guide interface since you can't seem to tell it your favorite channels. I prefer the one on the Gainesville Sun website because it lets you customize it more. The Sun better have a good one since they stopped printing the weekly tv guide.
I tried one of the shared calendars when I was still working. My Admin Assist and I could both put things in so we would both know what was going on. The problem was that it was easier to talk and share than to use the calendar and have to talk anyway. I started using tada a couple of years ago. That lasted a week or so. Just too much effort to make a list when I have paper and a refrigerator with magnets handy. I guess I am just too 1.0 for most of these productivity tools.
I tried one of the shared calendars when I was still working. My Admin Assist and I could both put things in so we would both know what was going on. The problem was that it was easier to talk and share than to use the calendar and have to talk anyway. I started using tada a couple of years ago. That lasted a week or so. Just too much effort to make a list when I have paper and a refrigerator with magnets handy. I guess I am just too 1.0 for most of these productivity tools.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thing 13 -- Library Thing
Years ago I was at a conference and heard about Library Thing. I came home and e-mailed my son-in-law. He and my daughter are the type that keep the books on their shelves in author order. I thought it would appeal to him to know exactly what they had. I guess I should not have been surprised to find that they already used it.
So I added 7 books from my shelves. Now you have to understand that I don't read the books on my shelves I keep them for emergencies. I think it comes from growing up in the midwest and always being afraid I will run out of something to read in a snowstorm. I read books from the library, I read books from www.bookswim.com but I don't read books from my bookshelf.
I went to the widget page, I made a widget. I copy and pasted it but I couldn't see anything when I hit preview. I went back several times to the widget page and finally when I told it to post it told me the code wasn't closed. It seems that when I clicked in the box with the code it highlighted and copies everything except the final script with punctuation. As soon as I added that everything worked (except preview). I can see using this as a quick and easy (once you get it to work) way of telling people what new books have been added to the library. You can add new titles and remove old ones and get a random widget. However, don't expect my books to change very often. :-)
So I added 7 books from my shelves. Now you have to understand that I don't read the books on my shelves I keep them for emergencies. I think it comes from growing up in the midwest and always being afraid I will run out of something to read in a snowstorm. I read books from the library, I read books from www.bookswim.com but I don't read books from my bookshelf.
I went to the widget page, I made a widget. I copy and pasted it but I couldn't see anything when I hit preview. I went back several times to the widget page and finally when I told it to post it told me the code wasn't closed. It seems that when I clicked in the box with the code it highlighted and copies everything except the final script with punctuation. As soon as I added that everything worked (except preview). I can see using this as a quick and easy (once you get it to work) way of telling people what new books have been added to the library. You can add new titles and remove old ones and get a random widget. However, don't expect my books to change very often. :-)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thing 12 Wikis
OK so I love it when the Thing is something I have done or am doing and I can breeze thru it with a minimum of learning. All right -- so I know that is not the purpose of 23 Things but it does help me "catch up"
I am a member of the SSLLI wiki. As such I have added content when we had to upload our project descriptions. One of my CPLA classes decided we wanted a wiki so we could stay in touch. (yeah right) I decided that it was a perfect learning opportunity so I went to PB wiki and set up a wiki for our class. Shared the information with my fellow students... the teacher and I were the only ones who ever contributed to it.
Unless you sign up for the updates, it seems to me that it takes time to remember to go to the wiki and look for changes. I question the Commoncraft video that the camping friends really went to the wiki that often checking things out.
I noticed that the Book Lovers Wiki cited in the Neflin write up has not been edited in over 11 months. So inquiring minds want to know.... How come? Did it not work as expected? Was no one using it? That example and my past experience does not inspire me to set one up for my library (if I had a library). Have wikis "shot their wad" --- everyone seems to be tweeting these days.
I am a member of the SSLLI wiki. As such I have added content when we had to upload our project descriptions. One of my CPLA classes decided we wanted a wiki so we could stay in touch. (yeah right) I decided that it was a perfect learning opportunity so I went to PB wiki and set up a wiki for our class. Shared the information with my fellow students... the teacher and I were the only ones who ever contributed to it.
Unless you sign up for the updates, it seems to me that it takes time to remember to go to the wiki and look for changes. I question the Commoncraft video that the camping friends really went to the wiki that often checking things out.
I noticed that the Book Lovers Wiki cited in the Neflin write up has not been edited in over 11 months. So inquiring minds want to know.... How come? Did it not work as expected? Was no one using it? That example and my past experience does not inspire me to set one up for my library (if I had a library). Have wikis "shot their wad" --- everyone seems to be tweeting these days.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Thing 11 Social Networking
So, I've heard alot of talk about Digg and StumbleUpon. I took a look at them but they just aren't something I would use on a regular basis. I'm just not a news junkie. I follow Wired Science on my MyYahoo page and take a look at Reuters because it is there. I also follow a couple of Cubs blogs there as well. I guess if the world comes to an end I'll have to read about it in the morning paper.
I do however subscribe to facebook (using an alias) to keep up with the kids -- just never use their news feature.
I do however subscribe to facebook (using an alias) to keep up with the kids -- just never use their news feature.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Thing 10 Delicious
Whoo Hoo another 2 Thing day. I mentioned Delicious in my last post when I said that Stephanie put her book marks on it for use in traveling. That is handy but I also used it when I was leaving my computer at work never to see it again. I didn't want to lose my bookmarks so I loaded them on delicious. Fast and Easy.
I am also using delicious for my SSLLI project. A team of librarians from around the country are finding quailty YouTube videos appropriate for library staff training and we are posting them on our Delicious page. http://delicious.com/Sslli_Project I've included the link here but remember this is a work in progress. The reason there has been no work on it since January is due to 4 women's retreats, 2 CPLA classes, 2 SSLLI sessions, and finishing work. More will be added starting this week. Retreats are over and CPLA classes are finished (certification review in April). I may be their first unemployed Certified Public Library Administrator. If anyone knows a link that should be added you are welcome to e-mail us at sslliproject@yahoo.com
I am also using delicious for my SSLLI project. A team of librarians from around the country are finding quailty YouTube videos appropriate for library staff training and we are posting them on our Delicious page. http://delicious.com/Sslli_Project I've included the link here but remember this is a work in progress. The reason there has been no work on it since January is due to 4 women's retreats, 2 CPLA classes, 2 SSLLI sessions, and finishing work. More will be added starting this week. Retreats are over and CPLA classes are finished (certification review in April). I may be their first unemployed Certified Public Library Administrator. If anyone knows a link that should be added you are welcome to e-mail us at sslliproject@yahoo.com
Thing 9 Sharing Mosaic

I told you I had alot of tulip pictures. I would recommend the Netherlands at the end of April to anyone. I like Big Huge Labs because you can use it with your Flickr account without creating another presence on the web. You can link your Flickr account and then remove the link when you are done. I know the OCLC report said that librarians are more concerned about privacy and ID theft than the general public. But until it happens to you or a member of your family you don't realize how devasting it can be.
I like the idea of having a back up of your slide presentation stored on the Internet. Just as Stephanie liked having her bookmarks stored on Delicious for travel. Knowing it is out there gives you a sense of security.
Just a quick thought on library usage. You could do a mosaic of new books or event pictures (don't forget permission slips) and post it on your website. Changing it often though could become quite time consuming.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Thing 8 Communication -- IM
I've been using IM since our son was in college -- Let's see he is 30 now -- for 12 years. It was new then and didn't always work real well but we kept in touch and he never asked for money. When our daugter was in college 5 years later the technology had improved. Sometimes it was enough just to see her come on line and know she was ok. My husband and I have used it recently -- sometimes just between computers in the same room. (I know how lazy can you get), but I am going to have to change my log-in since I am not LevyLibDir anymore.
Wow -- 2 Things in the same day. At this rate I will be caught up by -- oh -- July??? Just Kidding. But now piles of paper are calling me to sort, file or toss so no more Things today.
Wow -- 2 Things in the same day. At this rate I will be caught up by -- oh -- July??? Just Kidding. But now piles of paper are calling me to sort, file or toss so no more Things today.
Thing 7 image generator

Finally one that was EASY. This was using image chef and I could see adding all sorts of things to my e-mails or the web page. Create e-posters to use advertising programs. The images have to be alot more eye catching than plain text. This one was added here as text but I also could have added it as an image.
It only took 7 items but I finally found one that didn't tax my abilities or frustrate me beyond limits... and was FUN. I will come back and play with this one some more. Try it out at www.imagechef.com
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Thing 6 -- Flickr Mashup

You would think that being fairly computer literate these would be easy for me Ha Ha Not so. I couldn't use several of these tools since they wanted to download something and my computer settings wouldn't allow that. This one allowed me to link to Flickr and make a puzzle from one of my pictures. Of course then they want you to buy it. I suppose the Orange is going to clash with my pink background. Oh well, just screen the background and look at the picture by itself.
Hey, did you notice? 2 Things in Two days! Whoo Hoo. At this rate I will be caught up by the end of the month.
I just went back and read the Nelin post again. What do I think of sharing photos on line? Well I think everyone is out to make a buck by stroking the ego of the photographer. I also think however that there is a time and place for its convenience. I took pictures at my Dad's funeral that I was able to post privately but allow cousins who didn't attend to access. That made a difficult time a bit easier as I didn't have to deal with his photos over and over -- just send the link for access.
In the library -- hmm We have put photos on our web page and on myspace but loaded them straight from the computer without a flickr type interface.
Until next time...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Thing 5 Flickr
Ok so Thing 5 was way harder than it should have been. I started to do it at work but my December 2008 vacation photos were on the computer at home. I came home and tried to upload them. Thought I was successful. Well you know what they say about assume. Next day at work photos were not on Flicker. Next night went back to Flickr from home and uploaded photos. They said my premium subscription had expired. Ha A marketing ploy. I have never
had a Flickr premium subscription and I have had photos on Flickr for years. Then I found out I can only keep 200 photos -- but I don't want to delete any of my holland pictures -- I love my tulip pictures. OK so I deleted a few of Amsterdam -- kept the tulips and added some pictures from our December cruise. The one I am trying to add here is me enjoying myself. My husband said that librarians have a strange method of "booking a cruise".
Hmmm I'm not sure where the photos are. I clicked on the photograph and pasted the URLs and uploaded to blogger but what now?
had a Flickr premium subscription and I have had photos on Flickr for years. Then I found out I can only keep 200 photos -- but I don't want to delete any of my holland pictures -- I love my tulip pictures. OK so I deleted a few of Amsterdam -- kept the tulips and added some pictures from our December cruise. The one I am trying to add here is me enjoying myself. My husband said that librarians have a strange method of "booking a cruise".
Hmmm I'm not sure where the photos are. I clicked on the photograph and pasted the URLs and uploaded to blogger but what now?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Thing 4 RSS
Well, I'm only 7 things behind but I am back on track again. Today I looked at RSS feeds. I have been using them for a while on MyYahoo but there have been some that I couldn't get to add to the page. (Like the 23 things). So I opened up a google reader account and sure enough that one added right in. Hmmmm I went back to Stephanie's article (how many people miss her not being at NEFLIN) on top ten blogs and added some of those to my list. Hmm I may need to search for her blog so I can stay on top of what she is up to. One of my favorite RSS feeds that is right at the top of my MyYahoo page is from ALA. You can do a job search of their job listings and then have an RSS feed of that search. So if a job is added that fits your search it shows up on your page. The second feed on my page is the Blah Blah Blah Blog -- another great one. OK so I'm sucking up a little but I know Brad reads this so......
Well that is all for this thing now back to work -- I have to go count some surveys.
Well that is all for this thing now back to work -- I have to go count some surveys.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Haven't gone further than AZ
For those of you following this blog. Don't give up hope. I haven't fallen off the face of the earth although Arizona feels a whole lot different than FL. Between CPLA, SSLLI and finishing up at work I haven't had a chance to move on to the next thing. Fear Not. Serving Diverse Populations will be over soon (one more class and one more paper) and Managing Technology will be 2 days of classes here in Arizona then two papers and my CPLA work will be DONE. Just the ALA paperwork and the approval. I will move on to thing 4 soon I promise. In the mean time take care and try to stay warm. This is why we moved to FL?? (actually AZ is cold and rainy)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Thing 3 -- Technorati
OK so I'm not sure I want the world to know what I am writing in my Blog. After all I am job hunting and what is I say something like XXXX Library doesn't even have a disaster plan and they see it and decide not to offer me a job. I know, I know, don't say anything you don't want the world to see. Well I went ahead and registered at Technorati anyway -- under an alias. I'm also using an alias in Facebook which my son thinks is hysterical. The OCLC report said that the younger generations aren't as paranoid about identity theft and privacy as my generation and especially librarians. I looked at blog search engines bloglines and technorati. I searched under my last name and the searches were TOTALLY different. I did learn that there is a plaza that bears my last name in a town out west. I have a phone interview Tuesday with the library in that town. A little goosebumpy if you ask me. After poking around a little on both sites I liked Bloglines better. Even tho Technorati had videos as well I just felt a little creepy there. Bloglines had the visual similarity to google and that may have been why I was more comfortable. The posts that were brought up had a different feel to them as well. I had a birthday last week -- maybe I'm too old to share myself with the world and feel good about it.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Thing Two
Thing two is reflections on Web 2.0. It was funny because I read the Neflin post asking us to reflect after I read the recent American Libraries article "Testing the Web 2.0 Waters". I try to keep up-- I really do. Time and energy seem to conspire against me. My kids help me stay up to date. I was IMing with the best of them 10 years ago when our son was in college. Our daughter-in-law was in my space. So I joined my space. The kids in our service area were using my space so our library has a my space page. Now my daughter-in-law and son both use face book so -- guess what I have a facebook account. The kids in our service area are moving on to twitter. And so it goes.
I've aggregated RSS feeds for a dozen blogs (the Neflin 23 things one won't add), but most of the time I do no more than skim the headlines. I'm a firm believer that you should be where your users/patrons are. If they are using blogs then the Library System needs to blog. If they wouldn't know a blog from a bog then you should concentrate your efforts eleswhere. Just because we can dosen't mean we should.
Maybe after I finish the 23 things I won't feel like I'm playing catch up. I'll be even with the rest of the world for oh.... 23 seconds at least.
Now on to my CPLA class homework. Who would have thunk 10 years ago we would be taking synchronous classes and trainings on line...
Currently reading: Strength for the Journey and listening to 1st to Die ( and my homework for CPLA and SSLLI)
I've aggregated RSS feeds for a dozen blogs (the Neflin 23 things one won't add), but most of the time I do no more than skim the headlines. I'm a firm believer that you should be where your users/patrons are. If they are using blogs then the Library System needs to blog. If they wouldn't know a blog from a bog then you should concentrate your efforts eleswhere. Just because we can dosen't mean we should.
Maybe after I finish the 23 things I won't feel like I'm playing catch up. I'll be even with the rest of the world for oh.... 23 seconds at least.
Now on to my CPLA class homework. Who would have thunk 10 years ago we would be taking synchronous classes and trainings on line...
Currently reading: Strength for the Journey and listening to 1st to Die ( and my homework for CPLA and SSLLI)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Thing 1 -- Blogs
It is January 12th and we are starting 23 things at NEFLIN. Yipeee!. I can't wait to learn new things and learn more about things I already use. I created this blog several weeks ago (with great difficulty I might add) because I just couldn't wait for January 12th. Between SSLLI, and my CPLA classes and my design team work for the Ladies Retreats this is going to be a little more difficult than I had hoped. But I'm game -- Let's Go!
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